I thought that you all might be interested in knowing what we have to eat here in Haiti, especially you ladies! We eat a lot of rice and beans. There is also a lot of American food available and we have our share of that too.
I had hopes of slimming down a bit by our move to Haiti. I assumed that our diet would make it easy to lose weight BUT that is not the case! I’ve decided that in order to keep trim and fit you need to apply the same principles that you do at home! #1. self-discipline!
I am going to start out by showing you a picture of our pantry:
Hmm… you can see some of the dust that I have to deal with on a daily basis! Anyone want to come and house clean the pantry for me?
We also have a several air conditioned rooms in the "”anba” house where a lot of food is kept.. especially food that is used to feed the girls that are here at the home.
The yellow barrels have rice, corn, wheat, milk, etc. in them.
There are also two refrigerators in the “anba” house… one holds goodies for the Americans and the other is the vegetable refrigerator. We also have two refrigerators in the house…
I am in charge of Wednesday and Friday lunch for all the American staff. On Monday, Thursday, and Saturday we get a Haitian meal that is prepared by the Haitian cook that lives here at the Leogane Children’s Home. The staff girls and Trish take turns for the Tuesday meal. For breakfast and supper we are all responsible for our own meal. We also take turns making the pizza for Saturday night and the meal for Sunday.
Following are some pictures of traditional Haitian food…
The Haitians do not eat a lot of meat, therefore the chicken in the first picture is a real “treat”.. The second picture is something similar to fried bananas and there is also bread fruit on the same platter. Bread fruit reminds me of french fries. It is good with salt and ketchup! The last picture is cabbage and carrots tossed in a delicious sauce… I haven’t asked the cook what she puts in it! All I know is that it is really good!
We have several mango trees here at Leogane and we have enjoyed mango shakes a number of times. Dou Dou likes to make mango shakes.
Mango shakes are a refreshing drink on a hot day!
Erik likes to eat fresh mangoes.
We have been enjoying fresh bananas as well… there are several banana trees here.
I promise you, these bananas taste a whole lot better than they look!
We have been eating with the girls on Mondays and Thursdays… they do not come home from school until 1:00 PM which makes for a late lunch.. but we have a good time together.
Sometimes we are able to buy fresh grapefruits at the market… talk about delicious!!!! They are great juice grapefruits…
I found this electric juicer in the cupboard and made good use of it already!
That’s it for now! You all have a great day!