Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Creole Class and Tarantula


A person who moves to Haiti, feels handicapped if he or she doesn’t know the language that is spoken by the nationals. So we have decided to overcome that barrier and learn the language….. at least try to!! It has been my dream for a long time to learn another language, so here is my opportunity. I would have preferred learning Spanish for it seems to me that there would be greater opportunity to speak that language at home. However, since Haiti is where God has called us to serve, I will assume that it is his will that we learn Creole.

We have Creole class scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. Trish and Dou Dou are the teachers.

Trish and Dou Dou live here on the compound. Dou Dou is assistant administrator and is in charge of the foster program that BRIC is involved with. Trish has lived in Haiti quite a few years and has the language very well… by the way… they are expecting their first child the beginning of September!

Creole Class and Tarantula 009

Creole Class and Tarantula 002

Creole Class and Tarantula 010

We are starting out, with what they say, are easy works and phrases…

Creole Class and Tarantula 001 Creole Class and Tarantula 003 Creole Class and Tarantula 004 Creole Class and Tarantula 006

This is Elizabeth Showalter, from Stuarts Draft, Virginia. She is the secretary here… we go to her for money!.. She also helps with the resident girls, plus is involved with the foster program.

Shortly after class today, Dale comes running up to our apartment and tells me that I need to come and look at the tarantula that they found outside! I grabbed the camera and headed out to see….

Creole Class and Tarantula 007

Notice how that ugly spider blends in with its surroundings?! Don had fun teasing it a little. Once he hit the ground real hard with a pipe and immediately the spider fell front and acted dead! But when we tried to put it on the paper plate that I took out, it woke up and decided to look threatening! I got several pictures but didn’t dare go as close as Dale was going for fear the thing would take a huge leap and land on my arm or somewhere else.. I would have screamed with fright!! I would rather have a rat run through my house than have a tarantula jump on me!!!!!!!! ( Erma, don’t tell Kari about the tarantula! lol)

Creole Class and Tarantula 020 Creole Class and Tarantula 015  Creole Class and Tarantula 017  Creole Class and Tarantula 019

The tarantula did a good job at looking scary! I think I will watch the ground I tread after this!….

Today has been a busy day for me… I cooked breakfast for my family, did school with the boys, (not finished), cooked lunch for the staff, had Creole class, cleaning our apartment in preparation for Bible Study tonight…. You all have a good evening! Keep us on your prayer list!! love you all…

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