Friday, May 20, 2011

A Few Snapshots….


A Day at Leogane 5-2011 027

Don and Dale were busy this morning working on the wall of the girl’s shower house..

A Day at Leogane 5-2011 031 A Day at Leogane 5-2011 029 

While I was out taking pictures today, I decided to visit the native ladies’ kitchen.

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On this picture you can see their kitchen sink.. and beyond that is the cook shack.

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Inside the shack was Ronie, our cook! She is a very friendly and loveable person. Since I do not talk Creole fluently and she talks very little English, we have a hard time communicating! (But I am learning!) At least a smile means the same thing in any language… so we exchange smiles and say a few words!

A Day at Leogane 5-2011 009 A Day at Leogane 5-2011 007

I want to show you a picture of our grapefruit tree… the grapefruit from this tree makes delicious juice!

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We have a hanger of bananas that is almost ready to be picked… and another one hanging on our porch with some ripe bananas on it! These fresh “home grown” bananas are delicious!!

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Today was my turn to cook lunch and I decided to do hotdogs and baked beans. Since I cannot run to the grocery store for rolls..I made homemade ones! “First time for everything”!

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On Wednesday of this week was a holiday for Haitians. It was flag day. People were celebrating with loud music etc. For a better view of the road and the activity outside the walls of our compound, I crawled up on the “bomb truck” to take some pictures.

A Day at Leogane 5-2011 013 A Day at Leogane 5-2011 018  Notice the huge speakers on the back of this truck…

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This razor wire fence is the top of our wall and beyond that, sad to say, you can see the ditch full of yucky water and trash. This is a very common sight for this part of Haiti… (Much, much worse some places.)

A Day at Leogane 5-2011 043

I will close this post with a pretty picture! I will choose to focus on the beauty of Haiti for it has much beauty. I love living here… even though I miss some of the comforts of home…

Good night and God Bless!

~ Karole

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