Sunday, January 20, 2013

God Can Do Anything….


A warm and sunny “Bon Jour”  (good day)  from Haiti!

I want to start this blog with a photo and I would like you to figure out what is wrong with it… before reading further!

Karlee and tomato plant 001

Yes, it IS a tomato plant!


it is thriving where a person would least expect it to.


to you folks living up North.. it is January! :)

For those of you who know me well, know that I love gardening…I usually looked forward to spring with great anticipation and had gardening as a priority on my list of things to do.

Any experienced gardener ( I don’t consider myself a pro) knows that plants will not survive just anywhere. (really now??) Plants need certain conditions to thrive and be productive.

favorable soil…. sunlight…. moisture

Now.. since I have been in Haiti I have tried growing a few things but with little success. (except for some potted plants!) Once, I planted green beans and they actually sprouted and grew beautifully for a time. But much to my disappointment just as they were starting to produce beans .. they died… without warning. I also tried tomatoes with NOOO success… as well as red beets and sweet potatoes. :(

A month or so ago, I found this tomato plant volunteering within the walls of the compound we live in.


I wondered if God is trying to tell us something…?? When God speaks we need to be quiet and listen. 

We can try to make things work..  our way… We can try to “make ends meet” .. our way.. We can try to build a mission…our way….

Perhaps God is saying that it is time to step back and watch what He CAN do..

If someone would have told me to plant a tomato seed in a crack of concrete.. I would have thought…


God can do the impossible!

Yes, God can use the “unlikely-est “ people in the “unlikely-est” places to do His work! Praise God! He will provide everything necessary to do His work… In His time.

Another absolutely amazing thing about this tomato plant is… we are in the middle of the dry period and haven’t had a good rain for a loong time. I was tempted to give this plucky plant some water but decided to LET GO AND LET GOD! .. and see what happens.

How in the world has this plant survived?

How CAN it survive?

If its’ tomatoes actually ripen I will be TRULY amazed!

Karlee and tomato plant 002


I am choosing to believe that God is telling us that He will provide for our future.. just as He has  our past. Even when the way He directs looks impossible.

We serve an awesome God.

Our testimony is that God has provided in incredible ways even up until now.. and will continue to do so.

He will do the same for you if you only believe!

Keep up the faith and keep praying!


Now for a little update:

Big Red was  seriously “sick” and had a time consuming operation this last month. Dr. M. Rudolph  and his assistant Dr. D. Weaver worked many hours to repair his aching stomach. :) We are happy to tell you that Big Red has made a wonderful recovery and is back in business. :)

If you care to;  Pray that he could remain “healthy” for he has a big work here in Haiti.

Our little “chocolate angel” is doing very well. She LOVES her bottle and her chubby legs, belly, and arms testify that I am telling you the truth!

Sharina is the sweetest, most contented baby I have cared for  so far.. (shhh.. don’t tell the rest of them that or they might feel bad!) I love to sit and rock her and bury my nose into her soft black curls. She smells so good! :) I love to gently pinch her fat cheeks and squish her chubby legs… If a child can actually be spoiled.. she is!.. no doubt.

Sharina 2 and 1 half months 016 Sharina 2 and 1 half months 017

I want to share a family picture with you all as well.. the sad thing is that Dylo is not on the picture… and since this picture was taken, Dale left for the states.

Andy and Wendy visit us! 2012-2013 310 

I have told my family that we resemble a twist ice cream cone… Chocolate and vanilla! I prefer that combination… :)

My piece of my heart broke off when Dale flew back to the states to live for a time. He is living with an Aunt and Uncle and their family. We are happy that he has the opportunity for a regular job.. obtain his driver’s license etc. God Bless you and be near you, son. 

Now you all might think that I am about to twist your arm or something…….. and maybe I will try it! ;)

If you are willing to commit yourselves to praying for our family, NOW and especially through the coming  month….. Leave a reply.. here or facebook…. The first ten people to do so (with in the United States or Haiti )  I will sent you a bottle of Haitian vanilla! LW.

Lots of love to you all!!

Thank you for visiting our blog and for showing an interest in our family!

~Mommy Karole

1 comment:

  1. Great post Karole! We will be keeping you in prayer! Could we have your address in Haiti? You can email it to me if you like.
    ~Joe and Becky Spicher
