Sunday, November 3, 2013

Building “Light on the Mountain”


God is good.. all the time! Amen.. Amen…

For those of you who have been checking this blog periodically and finding nothing fresh and new, I am sorry! :) Sometimes the inspiration to write just. does. not. come… For me, it takes a lot of effort and even prayer!

We, as a family, have been in Haiti for over two and a half years. Wow.. sounds like a long time.. but in actuality.. it has been a very short time.  God has TRULY been good to us.

Presently, we are still living in Leogane with the hope of moving to the mountains within the next 6 months. ha.. Lord only knows when! It seems like the weeks keep going as fast they come. There is never a lack of things for Don to do… from mowing and trimming the large yard here, to hauling building materials and supplies up the rugged mountain with Big Red. He has also been spending several days a week (if his schedule allows) in the mountain working at our “house”. 

If the Lord sees fit, this building will eventually be a shop/ storage building with upstairs guest quarters, but for now, it will be our first home in the mountains of Haiti.

In the mountains October 2013 045 In the mountains October 2013 047

Every once in a while, we pack up the whole family and spend a week or so .together. in the mountain while Don works. I love those times. Aside from the stress that comes with packing…

The mountain air is fresh and cool and the mosquitoes are not nearly as plentiful. I become so weary of the mosquitoes of Leogane!.. and the heat… ( however, I enjoy some things about living here too!)

I have definitely become more of a morning person since our move to Haiti. I love mornings. Mornings are the brand new beginnings of a day. And mornings are very rewarding on top of a mountain!

In the mountains October 2013 011

I was pleasantly surprised to turn around a see part of a rainbow, early one morning!

In the mountains October 2013 016

About a month ago, we spent almost two weeks in the mountain. Don hooked up the gas stove and the washer. I was most delighted! Sure beats cooking over a fire or a Coleman camp stove… and hand washing!

In the mountains October 2013 029 In the mountains October 2013 022

Presently, our water supply is rain water channeled from the roof into a big 600 gallon drum behind our house.  Works great as long as it rains… :)

Don built a plexi glass enclosure around the 55 gallon drum which holds the water supply for our showers a top the shower house. This helps to warm the water.. other wise we have frigid cold water coming out of the shower head!

In the mountains October 2013 007

Gravity flow is used  to replenish this barrel. Genius. Is this husband of mine! ;) From the water tank further up the hill, he ran a pipe under ground and then up the side of the shower house… which sure beats using a ladder and five gallon buckets to fill the barrel. …All we have to do is open up the valve…

A while back, we did have a well drilled, with very little success.. It is hard to find water in the mountain.  I think plans are to try again. So pray ... hard..

Well drilling in the mountain and painting the floor 044 Well drilling in the mountain and painting the floor 034

I love my open, airy kitchen:

In the mountains October 2013 032 in the mountain October 2013 008

If you have been “following” us at all, you will know that our mission is to minister to children here in Haiti. Our main work will be caring for little ones who have lost their birth mothers.

In the mountains October 2013 036

  Here are the three little sweethearts we are caring for now. William Claudsie, Karlee, and Sharina.

We have also “adopted” three neighborhood children…(in the mountain)  It is obvious that they come from a very poor family. They spend a lot of time at our house and love to help out…

Well drilling in the mountain and painting the floor 048

Alongside, caring for these precious souls, Don has been hauling things up and down the mountain with Big Red, which helps supplement our income.

Big Red's big load for Michael 003


Thank you for your interest.. God bless you all as you serve Him!


Mommy Karole :)

in the mountain October 2013 018


  1. Karole I miss it so! We really did love it over there and now the pics mean way more! :)

  2. WOW you sure have been busy, God Bless you we also are busy in our new home in Cabaret, Be sure to stop in for a visit with jeff and Tereassa sometime


  3. This article is great but no wonder why people didn't comment

    Check this out 55 gallon drum
